Comments by Andrea Muraskin

Comment for "More Than Just Houses"

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Georgia rocks

I sat next to Georgia at Salt, and I can tell you she worked her butt off on this piece. Saltcast recognition well-deserved!

Comment for "What Makes Arabic Music Unique?"

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great job

these were all elements I knew were present in Arabic music but I would not have known how to separate or explain them this way. An important characteristic of Arabic music as far as I understand it is the use of quarter tones, so I'm wondering about the decision not to include that. Too complex for the non-musically trained?

Comment for "Taxi Line"

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from a current Saltie

I thin Jacobi did an excellent job of connecting the lives of the cab drivers in Somalia with their lives here in Portland. I think it's important for Americans to know that many immigrants have to take a significant "downgrade" in the kind of work they do when they come here. I also liked the quiet tone of her narration; it worked with the driver's voices and made me think of sitting in a cab in the early morning or evening when it's cold outside, in an empty parking lot.