Comments by Hubert Smith

Comment for "Coming of Age in the Era of Oscar Grant and Trayvon Martin "

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Please Reconsider

Please read Hughes, Sowell, Elder, Loury, McWhorter. Please inform yourselves about black America today. Please move away from the debilitating "Everlasting Plantation" narrative - it is armful to all black persons, particularly the young. COLEMAN HUGHES – THE HIGH PRICE OF STALE GRIEVANCES

Comment for "Phelps-a-thons: Turning hate into cash"

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Handfuls of Water

Efforts like this seem to me to be wastes of time - and their celebration by PRX equally, if not more, dismaying. WBC hardly worth scraping off my shoe. LGBTQ activists just slightly more worthy and PRX's slavish devotion to their causes simple class warfare.

Comment for "YouthCast #177: My Time in Greece from Alaska Teen Media Institute"

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Time In Greece

Very interesting kid and a unique and welcome shape to the narrative!

Comment for "Wyoming: The New Old West"

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Cowboy Poetry

Simply lovely! Congratulations!

Comment for "Pain Unknown: Living with Fibromyalgia "

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Everlasting Fixations

PRX simply must do more muscular stories and eschew the bathos.

Comment for "LIVE LAW 2: Demonstration"

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Hilarious Fatuity.

What a bunch of self-involved losers!

Comment for "WHY? Episode 35 - "Philosophy of Marriage" with Stephanie Coontz"

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Polyandry, etc.

I am a voracious consumer of PRX content. I adore series such as Short Docs which never fail to interest and satisfy. However (you knew this was coming), the service seems to me to be taking a hard turn toward the mawkish – a steady stream of victim narratives. I would think a more muscular, upbeat, and forward-looking re-vamp would be in order.

Yes, I think I understand your staff is young and, quite naturally, in thrall to what it feels is the empathetic and sympathetic. On the other hand, I don't think they actually accomplish what all of us want. That is, a celebration of the aural panorama largely free from paeans to what they suppose are the plights of what are actually very small slivers of the society.

Comment for "The Unghosting of Medgar Evers"

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OK - We Get It

I am a huge consumer of public broadcasting content. For reasons which puzzle me, these services seem determined to plow the furrow of victim hood, unleavened by coverage of a way forward. Stated more simply, after being reminded many, many times of the slave era, the era of Jim Crow, the efforts of MLK and others in the 1960s ...... what am I to do? What is anyone to do? To be sure, an education on the history of blacks in America is vital.

However, I often ask myself, when I will I begin to hear persuasive coverage which might actually aid beleaguered black communities? You know the issues: teen pregnancy, male parental abandonment, family disintegration, educational failures, drugs, gangs, and heinous violence. Is there any hope of change of these are not also addressed? Is there any hope of change if the essentially dead-end of scolding is all the public is left with?

Thank you for reading,

Hubert Smith

155 Offord Circle

Jacksonville, OR


Comment for "52 Hz"

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Whales and Other Minutae+

NPR a refuge for jejune millennials, wholly unprepared to take a mature view of the world. The odd, the quirky, the mildly salacious, and in the case of whale "study" a bullhorn for non-science.

Comment for "Confronting the Middle Passage"

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A "history" made up of whole cloth and extended to the entire slave trade. It was vicious and horrible and this sloppy story diminishes it.

Comment for "horrible deaths" (deleted)

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What? There were accidents? (deleted)

You are not appealing to the prurient are you? Gad! I thought the worst you would ever do is "The Extractor."

Comment for "WTF Episode 110 Dane Cook & Janeane Garofalo"

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Sad Lady

So smug. So overweeningly Leftist. So much the proverbial "useful idiot."