Piece Comment

Review of His Holiness the Karmapa and me

While there is always room for spiritual enlightenment in every life, there is rarely an opportunity to hear how it manifests in someone's way of living and giving. "and me" in the title reveals what is important in all the interpretive values we place on our beliefs.

A friend who allows to be given to is also blessed. That her life was felt more abundantly through the mechanism of a donor organ, is a profound hope in cell consciousness and the will to be!

Not only is this piece a gentle blessing to the soul of giving and the practice of feeling grateful for the opportunity, it is a warm background to the mundane task of an everyday event. It is this mundane task we wish to make better that allows us a listening to radio in the first place.

That my dish soap looks like sand on the beach this evening, is just because of Mr. "and me". Thank you.