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Echoes is a daily two-hour contemporary music soundscape distributed by PRX that brings together a wide array of styles, from acoustic to electronic, jazz to space music, the avant-garde to rock. Echoes is a sound that is cross-cultural and trans-millennial, merging cultures and forms, technology and tradition, the ancient past and the possible future.
Echoes creates a modern soundscape of music that draws from a multitude of cultures, traditions and genres. Hosted by music journalist John Diliberto, this daily two-hour series of evocative, ground-breaking music seamlessly bridges new instrumental, world fusion, new acoustic, impressionistic jazz and inventive vocal styles.
Special program segments include produced features that showcase an artist, cover new developments or events in contemporary music, and present Living Room Concerts, intimate performances in artists' homes. The daily features, which focus on specific artists, trends and themes in contemporary music, are similar in format to arts features heard on established news shows.
Producer and Host
John Diliberto
Program feed schedule via the Exchange
Files delivered Monday โ Friday by 4:00 PM ET
Number of programs
Ongoing, daily
Station Licensing Information
View the Station Licensing Information
Echoes is available to PRX affiliate stations. Prior to carrying this series, stations must contact their Station Services Manager.
Broadcast Rights
Available to all public radio stations. Must carry a minimum of one hour per week. Stations may broadcast any hour of the program twice within two weeks of the feed date, with the initial broadcast occurring on or before the Monday following the feed. Each hour must be carried in its entirety. No excerpting is permitted within individual hours of the program. Simulcast streaming rights are available for this series.
Program Web site:

Production Team
Executive Producer and Host
John Diliberto is a nationally published writer and award-winning radio producer who has been exploring and exposing new music on the radio, in print and on-line since 1974. He currently is the host and executive producer of Echoes , a nightly music soundscape on Public Radio International, and heard on public radio stations across the country.
For a full biography visit: Echoe People
For Use with Local Underwriting Prospects
Echoes creates a modern soundscape of music that draws from a multitude of cultures, traditions, and genres. Hosted by music journalist John Diliberto, this [day/daypart and length] series of evocative, ground-breaking music seamlessly bridges dozens of contemporary music styles. Because of its strong informational component, it also has a high appeal for news listeners.
As a local underwriter, you'll find that this contemporary music program provides you with several excellent opportunities to [advance your organization's mission] [promote your corporate image]. By supporting [station] and Echoes, you gain:
affiliation with top-quality music and information programming
a company presence in key dayparts for contemporary music
consistent presentation of your message and mission in an uncluttered environment
tremendous visibility before a select radio audience of affluent, educated listeners
partnership with a distinguished arts/information medium โ public radio
association with major national/regional sponsors of the arts and public media
Each hour of Echoes gives you two opportunities to position your message: one [x-second] spot at the half hour and one [x-second] spot at the end of the hour.
Showcase your [company/organization] with Echoes; cutting-edge contemporary music and information for public radio listeners.