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Playlist: Brian Cauley's Portfolio

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What happens when you do puppetry?

From Brian Cauley | 08:00

A short documentary on the Banff Centre Puppet Theatre Intensive.


This is an episode The Banff Centre Podcast, Hosted and Produced by Brian Cauley. This episode is about the January participants of the Banff Centre Puppet Theatre Intensive lead byThe Old Trout Puppet Workshop. Over 2 weeks they would enter a world of imagination and collaboration; one where puppets made the rules. In the episode you'll hear program facilitator Juanita Dawn and participants Tangle Caron & Chris Duthie tell the story of how puppets inspired them in magical ways.

Siobhan Ozege on Steve Paikin - Episode 2

From Brian Cauley | Part of the Tiny Conversations series | 11:12

A discussion about the problem with how TV talk-shows handle female guests.


On this episode of Tiny Conversations I talk with Siobhan Özege - a writer at Fat Girl Food Squad and Shameless and generally articulate person. Siobhan has recently been quite vocal about TV Host Steve Paikin and his comments on why it is hard to find female guest for his show, The Agenda. If you haven’t read his comments, you can do so here.

In this episode Siobhan outlines why some of Steve’s comments are so troubling and how this is indicative of the larger picture for women in the Media. She also outlines what The Agenda and other media outlets can do better, and  how we need to get to past a  place where shows are picking guests as “tokens”.

If you like this episode, let me know what you think here or on Twitter. You can also subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.

Our theme music if provided by Broke for Free.

Britt Wray on Backyard Scientists - Episode 4

From Brian Cauley | Part of the Tiny Conversations series | 10:53

A conversations about DIY science.


On this episode of Tiny Conversations I talk with Britt Wray, a researcher, scientist, and radio personality. Britt recently returned from SXSW, an ideas, music, and art festival in Texas, where she was co-presenting a talk on Backyard Scientists to a group of educators.

In this episode Britt outlines what Backyard Science means, some of the issues surrounding bio-hacking, and how all of this means a future of less barriers to entry into the world of science. You can learn more at DIYBIO.org or SYMBIOTA.org.

If you like this episode, let me know what you think here or on Twitter. You can also subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.

Our theme music is provided by Broke for Free.

Marla Brennan on Talking about our Feelings - Episode 5

From Brian Cauley | 10:50

A conversation about discussing our feelings before they get out of control.


On this episode of Tiny Conversations I talk with Marla Brennan, a writer, performer, musician, and very open person. Marla has been focusing a lot on how she communicates her feelings, especially in relationships, and especially with her current romantic partner.

In this episode Marla discusses her journey and why communicating your emotions is important. She also discusses the importance of having a partner who communicates on the same level as you, and how this progress is a long and difficult journey.

If you like this episode or want to be a guest, let me know here in the comments or on Twitter. You can also subscribe to this Podcast in iTunes or Stitcher.

Our theme music is provided by Broke for Free.

Michelle Parise on Loneliness - Episode 6

From Brian Cauley | Part of the Tiny Conversations series | 11:27

Michelle talks about life after her divorce and the good and bad about being alone.


On this episode of Tiny Conversations I talk with Michelle Parise, Producer on CBC's Spark, Mom, and generally relaxed and candid person. Since her very abrupt divorce a few years ago, Michelle has been dating a lot and thinking about loneliness and partnerships.

In this episode Michelle discusses the benefits and detractors for being alone and the difference between being with someone physically and partnerships.

If you like this episode or want to be a guest, let me know here in the comments or on Twitter. You can also subscribe to this Podcast in iTunes or Stitcher.

Our theme music is provided by Broke for Free.

Angela Misri on Creative Risks - Episode 7

From Brian Cauley | Part of the Tiny Conversations series | 12:44

A conversation with a former CBC Manager about leaving her career to follow her passion of writing.


On this episode of Tiny Conversations I talk with Angela MisriAngela is a former colleague at CBC, Author, and an extremely driven person. A few years ago Angela left her Management position at CBC to write a series of novels.

In this episode Angela discusses why she left her career at CBC, the risks involved in taking such a leap, and the privileges that afforded her such an opportunity.

If you would like to connect with Angela, she tweets @karmicangel. If you like this episode or want to be a guest, let me know here in the comments or on Twitter. You can also subscribe to this Podcast in iTunes or Stitcher.

Our theme music is provided by Broke for Free.

Kathryn Bruni Young on Strength Training in Yoga - Episode 8

From Brian Cauley | Part of the Tiny Conversations series | 11:56

A conversation about the importance of adding strength training to your yoga practice.


On this episode of Tiny Conversations I talk with Kathryn Bruni YoungKathryn is a Yoga Trainer, Olympic Weightlifter and super strong person (you should see her handstands). Kathryn recently published an article in Elephant Journal - "The New Wave of Yoga" - in which she argues that yoga isn't enough.

In this episode Kathryn discusses why she thinks you need strength training and some of the feedback she's been receiving.

If you would like to connect with Kathryn, she tweets @kathrynbruni If you like this episode or want to be a guest, let me know here in the comments or on Twitter. You can also subscribe to this Podcast in iTunes or Stitcher.

Our theme music is provided by Broke for Free.

Paul Jarvis on Do What You Love - Episode 9

From Brian Cauley | 12:07

Author and Web Designer Paul Jarvis outlines the problems with "Do What You Love".


On this episode of Tiny Conversations I talk with Paul JarvisPaul is a web designer, rat lover, and truly inspiring person. He recently sent out an email outlining how "Do What You Love" means more than a career but rather finding balance.

In this episode Paul discusses his unique take on "Do What You Love", figuring out the difference between what you would do for a career and what you would do for passion, and making it all work.

You can connect with Paul and learn about his new book, The Good Creative, at @PJRVS. If you like this episode or want to be a guest let me know here in the comments or on Twitter. You can also subscribe to this Podcast in iTunes and Stitcher.

Our theme music is provided by Broke for Free.

Leann Lapp on Guilt Culture in Academia - Episode 10

From Brian Cauley | Part of the Tiny Conversations series | 09:29

A conversation with one of Canada's best CrossFit athletes and a Clinical Psychology candidate about hiding her non-academic competitions from her peers in the academic world.


On this episode of Tiny Conversations I talk with Leann LappLeann is both one of the top CrossFit athletes in Canada and completing her pHd in Clinical Psychology. Recently she admitted hiding her CrossFit and athletic accomplishments from her colleagues in the academic world.

In this episode Leann discusses working in academic institutions and the stigmas surrounding having hobbies and interests outside of those institutions, the importance of balance, and the guilt she feels.

You can connect with Leann at @Leann_KL. If you like this episode or want to be a guest let me know here in the comments or on Twitter. You can also subscribe to this Podcast in iTunes and Stitcher.

Our theme music is provided by Broke for Free.

The long road to recovery

From Brian Cauley | 04:08

A four-minute documentary about sexual assault and healing.

Screen_shot_2014-09-29_at_5 This short documentary tells the story of five survivors of rape, sexual assault, and violence. Each one of their stories tells their courageous tale of how they were assaulted and are coming to terms with what happened. Their stories are meant to provoke a discussion about sexual assault and recovery. Produced for KCRW's Independent Producer Project and the 24-hour radio race.