Comments by sasha smith

Comment for "Slip of the Tongue"

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Review of Slip of the Tongue

This piece was a phenominal gateway into the diverse thought process of young people and their attractions to each other. Not only that but the true attraction they have for themselves. It calls to the forefront just how common it is for the exterior to be depicted in such a way to one person that can offend and even undermine another's perception of themselves. Young people have begun to own their individuality and their roots. We've begun to see things for what they really are and make the choice to either identify and remove ourselves from certain definitions.Adriel's piece is sweet and simple yet his poem addresses so much.

Comment for "First Moment of Freedom"

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Review of First Moment of Freedom

I feel like this piece was so true, because it was made on the inside and its crazy to realize how many incarcerated youth there currently are in the system. Sometimes for reasons and sometimes NOT for reasons. But I guess people take advantage of the things we have on the outside, and don't realize how much it truly means until it's taken away.

Thank God for second, third and fourth chances.

Comment for "This New Game"

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Review of Cutting

This piece is somewhat Dark to me not only because of the music and the mood but just by the words and the fact that it's real. This piece is pretty sad to me because it's such a common problem that many teens have. The music behind this piece really adds to the mood. The problems that these teens mention in this piece are some that I can relate to, but I could never bring myself to ever cut myself. That's why this is so scary to me...I must say I didnt really enjoy listening to this piece because it's so scary, but it's real and needs to be heard.

Comment for ""I Still Love Him...Oh Well.""

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Review of "I Still Love Him...Oh Well."

This piece really touched me because I can relate so much to this girl's story. Thats probably why this piece was a bit emotional for me because I can relate to what she's saying. When she says that she was always a Daddy's girl and that she loved her father more than her mom...that's exactly how I used to feel before my parent's got divorced. This piece maybe could have been more engaging if it had maybe some sort of music to it, but without the music it was still good. I love how the speaker has shown that she is a strong person and has learned to love her father despite what he's put her through, and I guess that's how I feel as well.

Comment for "Maria: They Say Send Them Back"

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Review of Maria: They Say Send Them Back

This piece is a sad piece but it helps the listener to learn a lot about immigration. It makes me realize even more how fortunate americans are to be living here, especially if you were born here. Maria is an illegal immigrant who has risked her life and gone through so much just to live in the United States. She began doing hard labor when she was four and had to live in tough conditions. The music in this piece is really important because it gives you a feel of Maria's culture in some wierd way. However this piece was a bit depressing and I would have liked to hear a more balanced point of view, like more of the positive things that happened when she came to the US. But I like the point she brought up when she said people dont ever ask WHY immigrants came over here, or what their stories are in terms of how they got here. It'd be interesting to hear more from another American student's point of view as an improvement to the piece. I like how at the end the author gave her own opinion about immigrants and the whole racist conflict going on. I just wish this poem could be a little less sorrowful and at least give the listener a sense of hope in the ending or a proposed solution would be nice.~Sasha*

Comment for "Roberto: We Don't Live in Huts"

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Review of Roberto: We Don't Live in Huts

It's very interesting how Roberto thought of America before he came here from the Bahamas, for example he thought the streets were painted of gold. I think it's cool how he explains the first time he saw snow, I can almost imagine him playing in it and seeing it for the first time. I like how he clears up some of the misconceptions people have about the Bahamas and how he says some of the questions people have "are just plain dumb." But it seems he also misses alot of things about his home like his family and friends but also the beauty of it and the "warm,sweet breeze." He really makes me want to take a vacation.

Comment for "Students choose religious schools" (deleted)

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Review of Students choose religious schools (deleted)

This piece is really good, it gives a good range of opinions from different students as to why they chose religious schools. They also explain how theyre religion is tied into their everyday lives which is very cool as well. I also like how they interviewed a student who's not so religious and explained how she's trying to get to know her own religion through her friends.

Comment for "Anti-Tobacco Promo 2"

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Review of Anti-Tobacco Promo 2

This piece is extremely short but it's still okay. I like it because it's straight to the point and the speaker uses a very passiveand strong tone while speaking. However it is very short and could have been maybe a few seconds longer.

Comment for ""The Thing About Being A Teenage Mother...Is That I'm Young""

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Review of "The Thing About Being A Teenage Mother...Is That I'm Young"

This piece is so great! Eventhough teenage motherhood is a very serious subject this piece shows you theres a balance in terms of pro's and cons. Although being a teen mom is hard and is difficulot to deal with sometimes there's also a positive side of it. I love how they get perspective's from different teen mother's and how they told their parents the news. But I also love the ending where one of the mother's explains that her child brings her joy when she's feeling down and how being a mother is a beautiful thing. She says, "I call her my chocolate sunshine."Love It!!!!!

Comment for "Oakland Scenes: Snapshots of a Community"

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Review of Oakland Scenes: Snapshots of a Community

First of all I love the poem that speaks throughout the entire piece, although it has a very sad ending. This piece is somewhat inspiring but it is moreso informational because it let's listeners know from a teen perspective how they view their community. I find it very unfortunate how often teens and youth are killed because of gang or drug related violence. I'm hoping that someone who is listening out there in California really listens and is inspired to do something about the situation. One line that really got me was when one of the girls said, "It's like we kinda lost our generation."

Comment for "Think Piece: Days of Our Teenage Lives"

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Review of Think Piece: Days of Our Teenage Lives

This piece to me is very funny and sarcastic but it's also very real. Teens do deal with drama like this from day to day and this is the type of piece that makes you think about these situations.

Comment for "Raising Grandchildren"

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Review of Grandmother

This piece is very interesting and I like how they have some good conversations included in the background. The author does make some good points as well as does a good job of including a grandmother's point of view in the piece. The only improvement that could be made was that this piece was a little too succint. It could have included more commentary and in-depth conversations. Otherwise this piece gave good insight on what it's like being a grandmother raising teens on their own.

Comment for "Remote Control"

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Review of Remote Control

This poem is very interesting because it is taking an object and using it to describe a girl's problem. I love the way the poet includes each part of a remote control and connects it to the girl she's speaking of's life. This title fits the poem very well because it's a poem about domestic violence(more specifically control) and many teen or even adult girls/women can relate. The silence behind it is good because it causes the listener to give the piece undivided attention. The best part of this piece is the ending line where she says to take control of your life, take hold of the remote and press it!

Comment for "The Cost of War"

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Review of The Cost of War

This piece is very,very solemn and realistic. Yet its definetly something that young people need to hear to have a real taste of how someone who's lost a loved one in war can be affected. This piece is so intense that it should have a warning for the audience, because it's just that real. What really has the most powerful affect on this are the interviews with Lavinia. For instance such quotes like her hearing "I'm sorry to inform you" and then not being able to hear anything else, very powerful. She gives the piece all the exact detail that it needs. You can make a visualization for almost every scene they talk about. The music does add to the tone of the piece, however it really adds to the solemness. The author really does a good job of explaining the story, especially towards the ending where he says, "it's almost like a story that should have been written by shakespeare." I really felt alot of emotion while listening to this piece, at no point was my attention lost. This story is so strong that I dont think I'll ever forget it.

Comment for "The Night I Met Cornel West"

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Review of Conversation with Cornel West

This piece does move me because the author is very real and very blunt with the points she makes. She gives the readers a connection to her life's experiences which makes a big impact on how we connect not only with her but with Cornel West as well. She also talks about issues in society that many teens can relate to. This piece is very honest and feels real. The things that the author explains is often something that many of us (as teens) have either gone through or witnessed first hand. Cornel West has a very powerful and motivating voice which makes it easier to have visuals when listening. It's very interesting also how when put over music he sounds like he's speaking poetry. From beginning to end the author draws your attention in with a strong introduction and a compelling ending. I also loved the effect the music had on this piece!!!