Comments by Adam Schwartz

Comment for "Bigfoot Speaks" (deleted)

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Review of Bigfoot Speaks (deleted)

Good character study of the man who's made a mission of proving the existance of Bigfoot. I found my attention drifting about two or three minutes into it; maybe a minute could be cut. The Yogi Bear theme music at the end is an unwelcome attempt at being cute. Overall the piece is well-produced, thought-provoking, and entertaining.

Comment for "Hitchhiking Cop Improv" (deleted)

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Review of Hitchhiking Cop Improv (deleted)

I'm not really sure what the point of this piece was.

Comment for ""Being Photographed""

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Welcome to Whose World?

A freelance photographer for the New York Times poses the producer, Jake Warga, in a location that the photographer herself calls "a romantizied view of what it's like to be a radio guy." Rather than exploring the natural habitat of the producer and trying to bring out some element of truth, the photographer--who sounds more like a teeny-bopper than a professional working for one of the most influencial newspapers in the country--boasts "I think I made it look idyllic and fun." My guess is that most audio producers would use different adjectives to describe our job. "Hard work" or "tedium with occasional moments of exhilaration" spring to mind. "Welcome to my world" the photographer says. Her world, indeed--it certainly isn't her subject's world.

"Being Photographed" instructs as it entertains, and will lead listeners to look with skepticism at the photos in their magazines and newspapers--even "the newspaper of record." Good job.