Comments by Laura Herberg

Comment for "Prairie Burn Audio Postcard"

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Text Book Audio Postcard

I'm an audio producer and gearing up to do an audio postcard tomorrow. I've done them before, but I thought I'd listen to some ones by other producers to remind me of what makes a good one. This one is so sound-rich and, as Todd said, Mark Brush does a great job prompting his subjects to answer his questions and describe what's happening in a way that he can edit the piece and keep himself out of it. My one note is that I would have loved for this to be recorded in stereo or for panning to have been added to give it more of a 360 degree feel.

Comment for "I Don't Know"

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I like Christmas

There are really some beautiful moments in here. It's a nice blend of really catchy and well executed pop tones with fun audio moments. I liked when the rhythm followed her speech rhythm. I also really enjoyed the way her "yes" "no" and "maybes" were used playfully with the music. And finally, talking to a kid who's right in the transition from thinking Santa really brought the presents to figuring out the parents do is a great moment to document. I guess one of my few critiques is that the very beginning was a little choppy and confusing for me. I would actually start right at or really close to "I think Santa's really our parents." Oh, and this is super minute but her final quote left me confused. Does she NOT think her parents are Santa after all? She seemed pretty sure of it early on. All in all though - fun, cool stuff. Thanks for sharing and I hope to hear more soon.

Comment for "The Olive Rediscovered"

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Olive'd It!

There's something about the sociology of a food product that I can't get enough of. I also loved how this piece is so timely, in tapping into the ever evolving return to sustainable living/DIY culture--harvesting your own food, and making a product yourself--but now, even in urban environments! A well-rounded piece, I do recommend it. Great to listen to while cooking!!

Comment for "Invasions of the Mind"

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Would prefer a conversation

It's partly my fault, because I expected more scientific explanations of what is going on when these "invasions" occur. Nonetheless, a relatively interesting piece to listen to, but mostly just because this guy seems like he'd be a good one to sit down with and talk about things... talk about life.

Comment for "West Frankfort Mine Disaster"

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This piece was haunting, but it is important to hear about things like this. The music throughout did a good job of setting the mood and being a common thread.

Comment for "Hollow Victory"

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Nice intro to a topic that needs to be shared.

This is a nice introduction/overview to a huge problem that I feel few Americans, outside of Appalachia, have actually heard of, which is absolutely astounding! I was first introduced to the issue of Mountain Top Removal in the Summer of 2008, while browsing free on-demand documentaries in my home town of Seattle, WA. After watching a documentary about it, I was shocked that the issue had been going on so long but I had never heard about it. I recently moved to West Virginia as an AmeriCorps VISTA Volunteer and I will tell you that this is a huge issue, one that partitions the state the way that the mountains were meant to, but may not for much longer. I think your listeners, wherever they may be, and whichever side they'll end up standing on, will thank you for exposing them to this issue.