Comments by Patrik Angstrom Poore

Comment for "Art-O-Mat"

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Review of Art-O-Mat

Handsomely constructed and genuinely listenable, this piece reminds us that transformational ideas are still being birthed.

the subject matter of this piece deserves more than a 4-minute treatment... the producer reminds us that art can come in many forms - in fact, the art-o-mat itself manifests one of my favorite definitions of art: taking something ugly and transforming it into something beautiful. It's even better that the creator is from Winston-Salem, wryly underlining the noble impulse to make our psychological environment more human. I'll be looking for them in Portland, OR.

Sure, it's lightweight at some level, and trails off a bit at the end. But what's a world without creative whimsy? And we do get a brief discussion about the value of artistic production and art for the masses.