Comments by Glenda Flewharty

Comment for "A Cowboy Christmas"

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Review of A Cowboy Christmas

A wonderful piece of Americana! The program is an engaging blend of song, story, and poetry. Some might find it a bit too sentimental and romantic, but I liked the way it evoked empty spaces, sparsely occupied with small humans who found comfort in both the land and in family and community.

To those of us with experience of the vast, stark beauty of the American West, the program is a kind of anthem to what we love. For others, it is a snapshot of a way of life that is, of course, shrinking as the world grows small and moves faster.

Comment for "A Carillon Bells Christmas" (deleted)

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of A Carillon Bells Christmas (deleted)

I am fascinated by carillons and bells with the variety of tones which they can produce. The interview was an interesting mix of carillon lore and anecdote, ranging from the difference between pulled bells and the carillon to the host's wedding.. However, I would have preferred a shorter chat and a little more music. The music was rich and relatively unusual; it included jazz as well as more traditional pieces.