Comments by Neily Jennings

Comment for "Don't We All Deserve (and Need) a Sabbatical?"

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Review of Don't We All Deserve (and Need) a Sabbatical?

This interview will inspire folks to consider an alternative to the dreaded mid-life crisis: taking time off to pursue ambitions. Bonnie Michaels provides a personal account of a year spent traveling and volunteering in several countries with her husband, proving that a little initiative can have life-changing impact. The piece is a little longer than it could be; nevertheless, it is engaging throughout.

Comment for "Walking Blind"

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Review of Walking Blind

?Walking Blind? invites listeners to join a blind man on his daily New York City commute. As a person who lost his vision at the age of 15, Mike Cush is able to compare his perceptions of a world navigated by sight to a world navigated with a cane. Other perspectives are offered by Nancy Miller, Executive Director of Visions, and Ruth Callen, an orientation and mobility teacher, who explain the training process associated with functioning without vision.

The piece is both engaging and informative, balancing a man?s personal experience with issues that may not have come up 20 years ago, like surfing the Internet as a blind person. Though Mike is clearly thriving in his environment, I would like to have heard his take on some of the major obstacles that remain for the visually impaired.

Comment for "The Perfect Christmas" (deleted)

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Review of The Perfect Christmas (deleted)

Listeners will laugh and groan as Vincent Duffy describes the complicated ?rules of Christmas,? not because they necessarily celebrate Christmas, but because they will recognize the neurotic tendency of families to insist on absurd rituals for the sake of tradition. The essay is sprinkled with holiday tunes that evoke memories of Christmas specials and shopping malls in December.