Comments by Greg Demetrick

Comment for "To Fluoridate or Not to Fluoridate?" (deleted)

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Review of To Fluoridate or Not to Fluoridate? (deleted)

More of a standard news report on the debate of floridation in Colorado. The debate is interesting because I grew up in a town with extensive floridation which was later removed because of floride overdoses. However, this piece is very locally focus and doesn't have a wide use outside of Colorado.

Comment for "Barry, Bob & Me"

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Review of Barry, Bob & Me

Unlike other pieces by this author, this one is just entrancing. The pace is slower but perfect for getting the listener to focus on the story. There seems to be a real jelling of story and pace that makes you wonder what will happen next. It's very personal and close to a discovery of self that would work well on This American Life.

Comment for "Entrepreneur"

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Review of Entrepreneur

Just a quirky interstatial about a man and his dream. Plain fun and worth a listen to in between broadcasts.

Comment for "Funny Business"

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Review of Funny Business

An odd little piece about a comedy course. Slower paced than it seems like it should be. The speaker has a style like a Steven Wright which would play well in a comedy club but kinda drags for an essay. It is well written and spoken but just leaves me waiting for something exciting to happen which never does. Would be a good piece for This American Life but probably has little use elsewhere.

Comment for "Cobb's Ice Harvest"

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Review of Cobb's Ice Harvest

Just the description of this made me want to listen. The concept of harvesting ice is a little odd but makes a lot of sense. Like with wheat or grain, ice sold to markets was a viable industry up until the 1900. The piece is very interesting as a description of this industry lost to technology but traditions preserved. It would run well in the north east or the midwest as it speaks to tradition, harvests, and different ways to use the earth. Very interesting piece.

Comment for "Young French gypsies keep Django flame alive"

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Review of Young French gypsies keep Django flame alive

If you liked Les Triplettes de Belleville then you will like this piece. It captures the essence of the gypsy music of France featured in that film. It also makes the connection of people to this music that serves as the roots for a dispursed culture. Would make for a good end piece on a news broadcast. The interesting part of this piece is it is very Euro-centric but brings to light music that is heard in different styles all over the world.

Comment for "The Miseducation of Josh Frank"

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Review of The Miseducation of Josh Frank

A very personal interview of her brother who is trying to get into Julliard. It shows how certain youthful endavours just fade away when focus on something happens. In this case, how her brother's focus on his music became more improtant than his friends, family, and other things in his life. It gives a good perspective on how someone can gain a great focus on something while letting things they believe don't matter fall by the wayside.

Comment for "Baseball" (deleted)

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Review of Baseball (deleted)

A nice nostalgia piece about Baseball and the movies. Great for the series, too light to stand on it's own. I would strongly consider carring the whole Adults at the Movies series as most the of piece do follow a good and consistent theme.

Comment for "Sit Perfectly Still, The World Will Present Itself to You"

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Review of Sit Perfectly Still, The World Will Present Itself to You

Just an interetsing piece that starts off minimalistic and ends leaving you wanting to hear more. A collage of sights, sounds and interviews in Los Angeles that give a real strong impression of the diversity found on the streets. Could be used as an unusual This American Life piece but could also be edited for a News or Hearts of Space piece on diverse cultures living together.

Comment for "Lend A Hand"

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Review of Lend A Hand

The piece starts off about why Gen X or Gen Y is a bad stereotype but then refocuses on the author's volenteer work. Overall it's a very good piece but it kinda threw me for a curve. I came in expecting one thing and then got sent a different way. Not that it is bad, just unexpected. The piece would run well if coupled with a show on volenteerism and youth.

Comment for "New Jersey Honesty"

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Review of New Jersey Honesty

A personal New Jersey retrospective. I want to get excited about this piece but it just comes out flat.

Some of it may be the direct comparison of NJ to VT which limits the use. The same arguments of why NJ's honesty is more real that VT could also play in almost every other state. NJ is what it is and is proud of it. That seems to be the real point here but you don't really get excited about it even after listening to it.

Comment for "Intimate Strangers: The Florist" (deleted)

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Review of Intimate Strangers: The Florist (deleted)

A unique glimse into how personal people can be with people they know very little about. It also illustrates how florists can also be councelors of sort. They are there during the good times, the secret times, and the bad times. Telling the story of one florist, this piece touches many topics, much like the florist herself.

Comment for "Consent to Marriage (es#66)" (deleted)

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Review of Consent to Marriage (es#66) (deleted)

Having not heard the Ethically Speaking series before, jumping into this listen was a little odd. It's one of the rare times when putting the credits at the beginning of the piece may be better than putting it at the end. They dive straight into the ethical quesiton without saying how they are qualified to answer it. On to the actual piece.

I found the topic interesting and the teaser informative but felt like there was very little substance to the answers. It felt more like the item was an opinion to the quesiton than a 'what you should do'. After listening to it a couple of times, it seems that the answer avoids the question. The question is "does concent with the absense of certain facts still makes an agreement in marriage or nullifies it" and not "why did you not ask about the missing facts in the first place". The piece has substance but seems to lack conclusion.

Comment for "Chess Gals"

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Review of Chess Gals

Starting off as an informational piece on chess makes it quite engaging. The focus then shifts to the discussion of women, specifically girls, playing chess. Having grown up playing chess in school then not playing anymore after High School, I found the piece personally engaging and well rounded in explaining the appeal of the game and problems with engaing women into the game. It especially focuses on the learning divide of the game versus the actual learning curve and would server as a good news piece. I am not sure how it may be used but areas with school teams or hosting a national tournament in the near future would find it worth broadcasting.

Comment for "Stoplight"

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Review of Stoplight

A nice Father's Day piece on the relationship between Father and Daughter. Like the whole series, it focuses on what we say vs. what we do in a humourous way.

Comment for "Cat in the Attic"

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Review of Cat in the Attic

Just a funny funny piece on miscommunication. A woman gets stuck in the attic and uses the cat to send a message down to her husband who completely misinterprets it. Shows interesting communication between husband and wife/men and women.

Comment for "Phone Message"

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Phone Message

A short piece on the missed connections of family. It is just interesting and makes me want to listen to the other portions of the series. Could be a good connecting piece for a larger theme show on families or technology.

Comment for "David Byrne ENCORE: In his own words"

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David Byrne on David Byrne

It's a nice review by David Byrne of the type of music he is making now and his thoughts on what he is creating. It would work well with an upcoming concert promotion but doesn't stand on it's own unless it is paired with the other itmes in this series. Nice interlude piece.

Comment for "Power Kiting"

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Power kiting or short flying?

An interesting short piece on kites like you never knew. These 'Power Kites' have enough power to lift a human and allow them to fly in a semi-controled sense. Needs some more information but could fill out to an interesting story for ocean costal stations. (RI, CT, NY, MA, CA, OR, WA)

Comment for "Game Over"

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Review of Game Over

A very interesting tale of one reporter trying to find out if video games can be educational or if video games can lead to violent acts. Told within the confines of a game, the report is both player and reporter on the history, effects, and affets of video games. Quotes are culled from both pro and con views of video game education and violence to make for a very well rounded piece. It's length may be bit of a deterant but the content is engaging.

Level 2 offers a nice juxtoposition of early educational games versus current educational games. It also touches on the diffuclty of educational games to compete with thier more active and violent counterparts.

Comment for "Of A Piece"

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Review of 'Of A Piece'

A classic This American Life Piece that really makes you think. It weaves the loss of a family, the building of new traditions, and the way life changes and grows in a way that is quite unique. Definately a must listen to.

Comment for "Summer Camp"

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Review of Summer Camp

Starting off with a review of popular summer camp culture the intent is to pull the listener in to the stories of what summer camp is like. But it disolves into personal stories of summer camp experiences with very little set up or transition from story to story. The stories have very little connectivity other than trying to be sound bites to link a theme together. The concept is good but the excution is uneven.

Comment for "One Computer Voice Too Many"

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Review of One Computer Voice Too Many

Satrical review of voice answering systems which hits the nail on the head of how many americans feel with these answering systems. Very well done piece that could be used for any of the morning or evening NPR shows. Great information on why Answering systems benefit companies but frustrate users.


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The Marketing Trick

Starts off very uneven and clearly a taping of a discussion panel. However, once you get past that there is interesting information in here on how computers have been used as art over the years.

Parts of the discussion are visual and need to be described for true use use on radio. Questions from the audience are just lost all together. However the discussion of using printers, early machines, and 8 bit design for graphics, music, and ASCII art are priceless. Great content for the piece.

Comment for "Finding a Spiritual Home"

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Review of Finding a Spiritual Home

The monotone reading of the essay kinda drowns out the real emphasis here. Finding faith in this modern day isn't as easy as going to a bunch of holy places and picking one. It's a much more personal feeling as to the community that feels right and I think that point gets lost in this piece. It is well done but wanders a little.

Comment for "Spalding Gray and Sedge Thomson radio conversations: "I'm Beginning to Doubt My Doubt""

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Spalding Gray in Memorium

More a review piece of Spaulding Grey's life than anything else. Segment 1 is a little uneven but gives a good introduction to Grey. Needs to be leveled. Segment 2-6 gets into the real meat of the piece and the discussions with Grey start. Grey's prose and analysis of how hesets up his pieces is interesting but anyone not interested in Grey would bore easily.