Comments by Gagan Arneja

Comment for "American dream comes full circle"

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Review of American dream comes full circle

"The American Dream" as defined by Mr. Roy, consists of either a) Get rich quick schemes, b) Flashy cars, Hollywood and the like or c) MTV, McDonalds and the greater love of consumption. Really? I hope not! But if that really is the case, big corporations have done a pretty good job exporting "The Dream" to India. So much so that we want to continue our chase and follow it where it goes – be it the point where we started from. But let’s not fool ourselves, "The Dream", in its trial run in India will soon be widely available for even greater consumption. Or maybe I’m the only fool here – it’s already in wide circulation. It's already arrived. "The Dream", its gene isolated, is being injected into unsuspecting nations around the world. O yes, the formula is pretty clear - Increase consumption while lowering production costs. So where does it all end? How deep does the rabbit hole go? How do McDonalds, MTV and Honda plan on sustaining six billion western style consumers with the resources of one tiny planet?

Meanwhile, I’m going to promise myself to do something against the rising tide of "The Dream" (TM).

PS: As a card carrying member of that shiny white sneaker-ed club of programmers, I have to say – I found that caricature a tiny bit offensive!