Sarah Ventre

Caption: PRX default User image
  • Username: sarahventre
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent

Recent Pieces from Sarah Ventre

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Moving on Up, In and Out of the Middle Ground (07:09)
From: Middle Ground

New census numbers show which states are the winners and losers in the population game. Spoiler: Texas and Illinois. Also, why are some inner cities now growing faster than ...
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Singing Farmer of Kansas (03:58)
From: Middle Ground

A crop farmer in Kansas has become a viral internet star, and now produces professional quality YouTube videos out of his machine shop that focus on his farm, his family, and ...
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Pittsburgh's Big Fix (03:59)
From: Middle Ground

A rain storm in Pittsburgh is more than water, it's also a good chance that sewage will leak into the city's rivers. Just like Detroit, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cleveland and ...
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Mr. Midwest, Unemployment Battle and NOLA's Sound of Music (07:09)
From: Middle Ground

This week, we touch bases with Mike Draper in Des Moines to talk about state legislatures and they efforts to attract jobs. Also, PolicyMic reports on Flint, Michigan from a ...
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You Can Lead Detroiters to Vegetables But You Can't Make Them Eat (03:59)
From: Middle Ground

Photographer Noah Stephens is on a mission to take pictures inside every grocery story in Detroit. He wants to prove that fruits and vegetables are available in the Motor ...
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The ACA and the GOP and America's Most Dangerous Little City (07:09)
From: Middle Ground

Some Republican governors opened insurance exchanges or supported the ACA medical expansion and were threatened with primary challenges. What's come of those threats? Plus, ...
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Midwest Cuisine is a Hot Trend (03:59)
From: Middle Ground

Food critics say the "Midwestern Food Movement" is one of the hot trends in cuisine for 2014. We spoke to 5 of the top-rated chefs from the Midwest about what makes their ...
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Long segment for 1-3-14 (07:09)
From: Middle Ground

Mr. Midwest joins us to talk about early polling for the Iowa caucus, pot in Colorado and stiff competition between states to lure a new Boeing plant. Also, Michigan is ...