Comments by Jay Young

Comment for "Barack Obama-The Remix"

Caption: PRX default User image

Where is it?

Can only see opening segment. Am interested how you've *ahem* changed this one!

Comment for "Not one creative bone in your body? Spark" (deleted)

Caption: PRX default User image

Review of Not one creative bone in your body? Spark (deleted)

Successful people often propose to explain what creativity is and how it works, and how to find your own creativity. However, they often end up spending much more time explaining their own achievements and how they discovered their personal techniques. This interview is no exception. Part of this has to do with the questions he is asked by Ms. Cregg. But it is an intriguing story and should be listened to for its own sake... just don't expect to learn much more about how to find your muse here than you already know (experiment, color outside the lines, use your intuition, etc.). My interest in his work has to do with his idea of collaborative creativity or working / playing with another person to come up with ideas, and I would like to know much more of what he has to say about this. I haven't yet read the book, and perhaps it goes into much more detail than he's able to within the time limits of a radio interview.