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Playlist: Brad Horn's Portfolio

Promise Scholar Montgomery Lyons with girlfriend Wayva Waterman Credit:
Promise Scholar Montgomery Lyons with girlfriend Wayva Waterman

The first student to graduate as part of a Syracuse University full scholarship for Native American students got his degree last month.
Created in 2006 under the direction of SU’s Chancellor Nancy Cantor, the Haudenosaunee Promise Scholarship is one of only a handful of programs in the country that allows qualified Native Americans to attend a university free of charge. This is a piece on the hopes for the program and its first graduate, Montgomery Lyons of the Onondaga Nation.


Haudenosaunee Promise Scholars

From Brad Horn | 07:22

The first student to graduate as part of a Syracuse University full scholarship for Native American students got his degree last month.

_mg_1487_small Created in 2006 under the direction of SU’s Chancellor Nancy Cantor, the Haudenosaunee Promise Scholarship is one of only a handful of programs in the country that allows qualified Native Americans to attend a university free of charge.This is a piece on the hopes for the program and its first graduate, Montgomery Lyons of the Onondaga Nation.

Grateful Dead/The Dead parking lot (with producer voiceover)

From Brad Horn | 03:25

A soundrich experience from the parking lot of The Dead's show in Albany, New York on April 17, 2009.


The band that defined fan loyalty are back on tour. The surviving members of the “Jerry Garcia-less” Grateful Dead are now playing as a band known as just “The Dead.” The iconoclastic rockers who kept the groove alive long after the original hippies turned grey will be touring until July.  They were in Albany, New York in mid-April and played at an arena once known as the Knickerbocker, a venue near and dear to the hearts of many deadheads. Reporter Brad Horn traveled to Albany for the show, where he took in the sights and sounds of the famous parking lot scene.

Adirondack Election Views

From Brad Horn | 04:21

What do people in the Adirondacks of New York think about the upcoming election?

17266-2_small I put some $4 gas in my truck and drove up into the New York mountains to ask folks about the upcoming election. I was surprised more than once..........but mostly I was surprised to learn how sophisticated their views were.

Hike to George

From Brad Horn | 07:01

The story of a hike to interview Backcountry Ranger George Durkee about his life in the middle of a national park.

Hike to George
Brad Horn

Sierra10_small Durkee and his wife, Paige, live nearly four months of each year in near-total isolation in Kings Canyon/Sequoia National Park in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains--so remote they don't even have cellphone access. At the beginning of each season all their food is brought in by mule train, and it must last them until they leave camp in the fall. George was featured in the 2006 book "The Last Season" by author and journalist Eric Blehm (http://www.amazon.com/Last-Season-Eric-Blehm/dp/0060583002)

Hitchhiking with a bag full of cocaine in Texas

From Brad Horn | Part of the The 90-second vox pop series | 02:09

A trip to Texas for a weekend wedding gets weird.

Default-piece-image-2 I don't want to give anything away, but this story involves cocaine, hitchhiking, gay men, a chase scene on a motorcycle, thievery, and Playboy bunnies--all in 90 seconds.