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Playlist: Kate Ling's Portfolio

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E&E Insider: Get ready for the UN climate summit 'SuperBowl' in Paris

From Kate Ling | 06:10

A six-minute look at the United Nations climate negotiations in Paris from environment reporters who explain what's going to happen and where the skeletons are hidden.

Main_sc_01_small Even as the city recovers from recent terrorist attacks, Paris is playing host to the United Nation’s global climate negotiations where developed and developing nations will attempt to agree to targets to cut carbon dioxide emissions. But just what is happening behind closed doors? Who are the saints and who are the troublemakers? And just why does this summit of 40,000 people matter for someone at home? In this six-minute piece, award-winning E&E reporters Lisa Friedman and Jean Chemnick share the stories behind the headlines to provide insight on what success at the summit could look like, the key players and what they will be watching for –whether it is that magical 2 a.m. moment when an agreement comes together or the colorful diplomat from Venezuela. This E&E Insider program provides an expert-level breakdown of what is happening in a short, lively and accessible program.