Comments for The Arab Plan

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This piece belongs to the series "The Plan"

Produced by Barrett Golding/KGLT

Other pieces by Hearing Voices

Summary: U.S. Opinions of Arabs / Arab Opinions of Us

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Review of The Arab Plan

The Plan rocks! Each episode mixes music and voices, fact and fiction, dreams and desires. Immediately after listening to the haunting story and vox compilations of The Arab Plan, I tuned into The Scary Plan - I love Halloween and I loved this quirky creepy night-crawling episode. And I still wanted more so I clicked onto The Dog Plan which had me howling with delight (and missing my grumpy retriever Calvin.)

I thought: if I listen to any more of this fine showcase series today, the inspiration it fills me with might turn to exasperation if my next project does't match its high standard. Most listeners won't suffer such professional angst - they'll just appreciate these journeys of thought provoking imagination.