Comments for Southwest Side Stories: My Girlfriend Stephanie

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Produced by David Diaz for Curie Youth Radio

Other pieces by David Diaz

Summary: True love waits beyond the Chula Vista Lounge.

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Review of Southwest Side Stories: My Girlfriend Stephanie

This piece is simplie, it doesn't talk much about his girl friend but at the end it does. The only thing thats "wrong" with this piece is that it is too short, but other than that this piece is very good. A first person view and real sounds add in when walking done the street.

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Review of Southwest Side Stories: My Girlfriend Stephanie

There are many assumptions about the south side of Chicago; some are true, some are overblown...but either way, the people who truly know the Southwest side of Chicago are the people who live there.

This piece, one in the fascinating "Southwest Side Stories" series, is an amazing look at just a small part of the southwest side. It's a short piece, at one minute and twenty-seven seconds, but it manages to pack in a snapshot of one neighborhood. Wind blowing, people working--David Diaz employs detail and descriptive language to paint a portrait.

The vox was wonderful; the background noises really made you feel like you were there. The narration was smooth. The only thing I would change is that I wish it would go on longer!