Comments for Abstinence Footsy

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Produced by Kiera Feldman

Other pieces by KBOO Youth Collective

Summary: Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings introduces a new program for today's lustful youth: Abstinence Footsy.

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Review of Abstinence Footsy

This was good for a laugh, which I believe the authors intended, but it also helps take the listener to a new level.

Here our author weaves political speech, biblical speech, and offbeat humor into a keen criticism of American education policy. This piece would not do for most audiences, and I don't think it is intended for anyone but those who would want to hear it.

The satire here is very smoothly done: Why f*ck when there's footsy? Is simultaneously implausible, yet we wonder if these people might actually think something like this. The delivery is done in good comic timing, managing to allow us time to laugh before the next major point is brought up.

Criticism: I feel that the voice over could have matched the feel of an uptight, political education maven a bit more. There were times when I heard a bit of a condescending tone towards the subject, rather than embracing her as a character.

In the end, it is a bit blunt but it manages to achieve its goals: Make us laugh first, and then make us think. Good job on being brave enough to make a piece this challenging and stimulating, I look forward to hearing y'all develop your voices.

Matt Terrell
Youth Editorial Board