Comments for Reality Check

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Produced by Kim Hoffa

Other pieces by WHJE

Summary: A look into the reality of teen sex.

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Teen sex is such a big deal in the 21st century. Just like the couple in this piece, there are many teens that are sexual active and getting pregnancy scares. Unlike this couple, some of them aren't very lucky and actually end up having a child. The feedback from the female and male was very honest and good. It's always good to hear a teen's personal experience.

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Review of Reality Check

Also a word of advice is that you should state your name at the beginning of the interview and if you like you can state why you chose this topic

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Review of Reality Check

This piece sets the reality of what is a problem in the United States. She places the listener in a situation where they can have a front row seat of why teenagers have sex. The piece also lets you view a teenage pregnancy first hand by the interview, where you can see the emotional distress the girl felt, while the guy was mostly calm about it.