Comments for What's the Word? W. E. B. Du Bois

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This piece belongs to the series "What's the Word? Two half-hour programs celebrating Black History Month"

Produced by Sally Placksin

Other pieces by Modern Language Association

Summary: Considered by many the most important African American leader of the early twentieth century, sociologist, historian, author, teacher, and activist W. E. B. Du Bois had a profound effect on the way we talk about race.

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Review of What's the Word? W. E. B. Du Bois

Impressive profile of W.E.B. Du Bois.

It is ideal to run during Black History Month, or any time for that matter as his story deserves to be heard.

Throughout this 29-minute piece, you hear from three intellectuals/academics who explore the different phases of Du Bois' life and his influence.

Sprinkled throughout are short excerpts from a 1961 interivew of Du Bois. I wanted to hear more.

If you're going to profile one of the most important African American leaders in the 20th century, let's hear more of him.

The most interesting part of this piece is hearing Du Bois on the subject of lynching.

Producer Sally Placksin does a solid job but perhaps more texture could have been added to this piece by having additional readings of Du Bois' writings.

The final interview with Cheryl Gilkes is also engaging and passionate.