Comments for Growing Up in The System

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Produced by Reporter: Shirley "Star" Diaz, Producer: Melissa Robbins

Other pieces by Radio Rookies

Summary: WNYC Radio Rookie, Shirley Diaz's life has been shaped by the tragedy of her mother's murder and having been raised in several foster homes. To avoid being consumed by loss, Shirley tries to make sense of it all.

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this piece was about a girl named Shirley Diaz's who's father murdered his mother a few years back this left her older sister with 9 siblings i think that this piece was very moving it really made me think about so much about the parents that i have. this story hurt me so much that some one her age had to go through something like that. l see how hard it was for shirley to live to live in a foster home with so many other kids .i understood what she was talking about having a baby and how things would change and make feel like there is a way out .i dont think that she should have rushed into getting pregnant but things happen. when she lost the baby 2 months in she felt like it was a relief in a way im glad that shes trying to make things work on her own. i really loved this piece because it was real you dont hear her crying all day and hating life you see her trying to make a difference in her life by reconnecting with her father and in a sense trying to make the best of the situation

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Please make a sequel!

Star's eloquent and articulate voice is extraordinary. Her story, juxtaposed with her equally articulate sister's very different take on the same events, is moving and compelling. The listener is drawn in and compelled to root for Star, who has been through so much yet is completely without self pity and still able to forgive and to hope. Hard to believe she did not have a job when she seems to have such talent for radio!

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To Star

i listen to this piece everyday on my wasy home from work on XM radio. I was really touched with Star's Story. I just want this young woman to know how strong of an individual she is, and how brave she is for standing in this cold world alone. I would like to tell her to stay positive, and to make wise decisions in her life, use her situation as a guide to push her to do more than she could ever imagine in life. The Lord will ALWAYS be with you Shirley!

From Me, to You!

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I want to help her

The story moved me.
I want to help.

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Review of Growing Up in The System

I think Shirley Diaz's life without a mom is just astounding. I couldn't believe how she faces adversity in the eye and lives with all the obstacles she faces in her life. What really struck me is how her father murders her mother. Also, I was shocked of what she thought of teenage pregnancy, but a positive way to look at it. The structure is awesome because the sounds and the direction in which the story is headed. I love the way she speaks of what really matters to her. Growing up in the system is a hard obstacle with a lot of violence and the challenges the people in the projects face. The events that are happening to Shirley, I think she is experiencing what some people have faced on my reservation and elsewhere. I think her life is extraordinary: she experiences a miscarriage, loss of her mother and the will to continue in the system.