Comments for Stuffed Animals 1

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Produced by David Green for Third Grade Audio

Other pieces by David Green

Summary: Third Graders tell stories about their favorite stuffed animals and dolls.

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Review of Stuffed Animals 1

This piece was very cutie it made me think back to when i was younger how I treated my stuffed animals how i had so many

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Review of Stuffed Animals 1

This story is so cute. It takes me back to when I used to try to name my stuffed animals and keep track of them. It is such a real look at a time most people wish they could go back to.

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Review of Stuffed Animals 1

Remember the television show Kids Say the Darndest Things? Of course you do, chances are you loved it too. How could you not? A kid?s perception of this crazy mixed-up world is as adorable as a basket full of newborn kittens. In ?Stuffed Animals? David Green and his Third Grade Audio team have put together three wonderfully whimsical pieces here. Each piece explores the bond between kids and their stuffed animals, something we can all relate to. Throughout ?Stuffed Animals? kid?s take turns sharing the names and stories of their favorite stuffed cuddly-creatures.

There are a couple of reasons why this piece is such a joy to listen to. For starters, it?s the fact that not once do we hear an adult voice, it?s strictly the kids running the show and the piece is better because of it. Another reason why this works so well is because these kids are super comfortable around the microphone. Each tells their story with their own unique personality shining through, which is probably thanks to the fact that the kid?s often interviewed each other. I highly doubt a middle-aged stranger trying to put together this piece could have elicited such wonderful narration. As the kids share their stories laughter often erupts in the background, it then quickly becomes contagious to the listener.

Maybe the coolest thing about these radio pieces is the fact that they?re written and recorded by the 3rd graders themselves (I?m sure David gives a helping hand too). These lucky kids get the invaluable experience of producing radio pieces, whereas the coolest thing I ever produced in 3rd grade was a macaroni necklace.

Last but not least, I want to go on record for saying that ?Bratwurst? is the best possible name you can give a stuffed animal (a name that one little girl gave her stuffed dog). Somehow I feel the scientific method can actually prove this, I?m working on it anyways.

Three cheers to the 3rd graders for putting together ?Stuffed Animals?:

Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Hooray!