Transcript for the Piece Audio version of Dear Cherry 017 - Kitchen Prowess

Opening Jingle: Yah. She’s the gal who gives good advice. Sugar and Spice-y, Dear Cherry - Cherry Capri.

Are you the type of person who they say can’t boil water? Do you burn toast? Do you relate to the scene in I love Lucy when Ricky and Fred tried to make dinner and ended up with a disaster? Well, have no fear, Cherry’s here. I have been told I have prowess in the kitchen. (sexy grrr) And that I am what would happen if Martha Stewart and PeeWee Herman had a child. And I want to let you in on a little secret.

First, I want to encourage you to experiment in the kitchen. Have faith and trust your instincts. Cooking is not a science, as some people would have you believe. Sure, there are scientific principles, but it is more of an art. And you are the artist!

Second, I encourage you to look into the world of raw foods, not just because they are healthy for you, but because unlike cooked foods, they are more forgiving food to make. You can almost always adjust your creations after you have ‘supposedly’ completed the process. Raw foods are forgiving. It’s not like you bake a pie and it’s a done deal. With a raw pie, you can scoop out the filling and adjust whatever it needs and freeze a second time. If you’re willing to try, I actually wrote a raw food recipe book with some super simple things to make. It’s called Eat Like Eve! And it’s available on Amazon!

Just remember, in any cooking there are really no mistakes, just unusual or exotic results. In the very worst case scenario and you have made something that is completely unpalatable, Huzzah! It can always end up as useful compost
to grow your next batch of food. It’s a cycle that never ends.

With raw food, you will never burn anything, overcook anything or wind up with mashed potatoes all over the kitchen floor again. So remain calm and elude frustration. Love the time you spend shopping for food and making it. You CAN do it.
And know that I, Cherry Capri, believe in you 100%.

Closing Jingle: She’s our favorite bonne amie. Dear Cherry, Cherry Capri
Announcer: America’s Queen of Modernism, Manners and Mirth -
