Comments for This I Believe - Gloria Steinem

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Produced by Jay Allison and Dan Gediman with John Gregory, Viki Merrick and Ellen Silva

Other pieces by This I Believe

Summary: In the debate between nature and nurture, Gloria Steinem believes we are asking the wrong question.

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One has to write slowly to write that well

I've long said: if all our political, spiritual, social, economic and community decisions and goals were made with one, simple but profound idea in mind, almost all the pain and struggle we've created for ourselves and each other would have disolved long ago. If what we're doing is not healthy for the growth of children, we ought not do it.

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Review of This I Believe - Gloria Steinem

I learned some interesting information about Gloria Steinem's life that I didn't know before, and basically I agree with her beliefs. She reads well -- the piece seems to suffer a bit from shortening to fit the format, five minutes isn't really very long. I didn't think the tone in which the introduction was read was very inviting -- too neutral and uninvolved for this kind of feature in this day and age -- I suspect beliefs are mostly more subtle and less dogmatic now than they were when the original series ran.

I think my expectations about how announcers should sound have changed a lot since living in Canada. I prefer the more personal, humble and inviting tones of Canadian announcers to the more distant, authoritative and ungiving ones of most US public radio announcers.