Piece Comment

Review of Dr. Ned Hallowell: Dare To Forgive

I resisted listening to this piece on my computer, once I read that it was a lecture, and an hour long lecture at that. But having listened, I am glad I got over my initial reluctance. The lecture was engaging from the beginning, funny at times, and full of common sense advice and anecdotes, and the audience was clearly as engrossed as I was. It was divided evenly between ridding oneself of worry, and of anger and resentment, and therefore freeing oneself to do more constructive things instead. The good doctor lays out steps to combat these feelings in our daily life and also gives the listener an insight into how the brain manages these emotions, and how taking simple actions can affect its biochemistry, and therefore how we feel. It put me in mind of how I imagine a really good sermon should be: useful, nourishing to the spirit and good for the soul, grounded in reality, and not overly preachy.
This would be a great sunday evening show, or any evening for that matter.