Piece Comment

Review of The Day My Mother's Head Exploded

Other reviewers have already sung the praises of this story: a daughter's account of her mother's near death experience, her mother's new persona, with musings on what it all means. There are two versions of this story: eleven and twenty minutes. If you have a "showcase" program that can handle the longer version, you may prefer it to the shorter. In defiance of conventional arithmetic, I think the eleven-minute version is just a bit too long, and the 20-minute version is just about right. How can this be? There is a level of detail in the longer version that makes many of the anecdotes more entertaining and meaningful. The narrative flow, to me, seems easier to follow. I got more of a sense of two-parallel-stories-in-one, which seems apt for a mother-daughter character set. Both versions are fine, to my ears, but I liked the longer one more (usually not the case for me, by the way).