Piece Comment

Review of The Stories of September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows

I think it is especially interesting to hear now, two years later, because it really took me back to that time, that feeling of awe and sorrow in the days immediately after the event. I also lost my father this year. So, I really related to the man from Ithaca's flashback stories as well as everyone's grief.

I'm really impressed with how you were able to piece together such a long program with no narration whatsoever. The spare use of music served you well.

I especially loved the first half. The second half hour was also well done, and very, very important. I've been thinking about why it didn't hold my attention as well as the first, and I think it is because the second leans more towards exposition and less towards anecdotal storytelling. In my opinion, if the piece was shorter, the lessons learned in the aftermath would stand out more prominently in the mix.