Piece Comment

Calculus vs. Poetry

When we hear the word Break-Up, our minds tend to generate a scenario of two people splitting up. This piece, however, defies our thought process. Instead, it spun in another direction, speeding into a collision with Calculus. If anyone has ever taken that course, let it be known that it isn’t a walk in the park. It’s alien, unknown, confusing, and stressful. Dana Castillo, most certain enforced that opinion effortlessly. She referenced specific words that are used in solving problems in calculus. They were woven in her piece so smoothly, and yet spoken with such force. By using a relationship to reveal her feelings towards a challenging class she was able to uncoil a story. One where she personified math into something unfamiliar: Calculus. How this one subject stripped her of her dignity, and little by little suffocated their relationship with graphs, variables, equations, ect. I love ending, because instead of giving up or the break-up being a depressing one it surprises the listener with a twist. She turns from math to English, expressing her newly found love. A passion that seeps into her dreams and gentle pampers her away from math. She describes this new beginning and holds no secret back. Overall, this has to be my favorite poem of the month! Please never stop writing.