Piece Comment


I chose this piece because I really liked how real and honest Jordan was I liked that’s he made himself so vulnerable and opened up to everyone and showed how difficult his mother is and how hard things were when he lived with his mom . I found it really interesting how he was emancipated at the age of 15 I didn't even know that that was even possible I thought you had to just wait until you were 18 to leave your parents. but one thing that I didn't understand was why he left his mom if there really didn't seem to be a real problem with the family it just seem like his mom was a little bit stressed out with raising to kids on her own and trying to make ends meet but I didn’t seem like Jordan was making it easy for her at all. But above all I think that Jordan became very responsible and grew up well on his own with the help from his roommate. I really liked how he made his piece and I enjoyed it a lot.