Piece Comment

Constructive Criticism

The voicing and diction of this piece is great.

However, while I can clearly understand A's concerns with the American marketing schemes taking advantage of the green movement (and her annoyance of color mix-ups), this piece is hardly grounded in fact. A repeatedly spouts statistics such as saying that biking, shorter showers and composting "do 10 times more for the planet". I think this story would hold much more merit if these facts could be linked to research or if A included the voices of experts into her piece. In addition, I believe some listeners may take offense when their "green" intentions and actions are diminished- which I don't believe is A's goal in creating this piece. Because in essence, people are taking baby steps towards reducing climate change and bringing a reusable bag to the grocery store is something people can do without dramatically changing their lifestyles. When constructing a piece such as this, I believe it is necessary to dig in a little deeper than an initial feeling of disgust towards someone with a blue shopping bag.
I applause A on her ending which is an excellent culmination and addresses the listeners kindly.