Piece Comment

Hopi High School

The intro sets the tone of this piece, then also to have someone else from a different part of the world was the cherry on this piece. With her experiences growing up, I feel pulls in the listener more. Such as myself, I to can reflect on this. Growing up in a drought area in Northern Arizona. Water is, a sacred important aspect of our lives. Where still to this day in my local area, there are about 20% of the population still without running water. That is hauled by trucks and water tanks from the local windmills and water pumps throught the surrounding area. The general public to me is unaware of this problem as well, and to preserve the land is something that we need to rethink. If we get more people to support this problem. The government could contribute a very big help, but until we have someone to voice this. It will be a lingering problem that will still be over looked. Kudos on this piece, opened my knowledge on that my local community is not the only one facing a water crisis.