Piece Comment

Youth review

Dolna Smithback’s feature reports on an event at the Parliament of the World’s Religions concerning clean water. The opening clip sets a great tone for Dolna’s piece by immediately establishing an international theme. Next she brings the topic home. Dolna pulls the listener in further by describing her experience growing up in New Mexico, where she had to be very aware of her personal water use. Next we move to the conference, where Dolna incorporates some great sourcing from attendees. I found hearing these diverse perspectives to be one of the most compelling aspects of the piece. The last speaker in particular really drives home all of Dolna’s points. The narrative transitions from one speaker to the next could use some revision; in most cases, Dolna has earned the right to make stronger statements than simply introducing the next speaker. This piece could be really inspiring to youth producers; it’s an example of how far you can take your work if you have the right resources. Dolna’s feature would work well on a show about the environment, international issues, or human rights.