Piece Comment

Review of How Can Humans Get Along

Generation Y'ers, I pose a question to you, how many times have you heard your grandparents & parents start a disgruntled rant by saying "Kids these days..." & then proceed to say something along the lines of "spend way too many hours playing video games", "could care less about what's happening in the world", "have no work ethic at all", and my personal favorite, "listen to their music WAY TOO LOUD".

There's no doubt that youth today suffer from the negative dispostions of our elders. It can be tough to dispel the misconceptions of those who have been labeled as the "Greatest Generation". It's time for a more accurate depiction. Helping the cause is Dolna Smithback of Santa Fe Youth Radio. In her piece "How Can Humans Get Along", Dolna effectively showcases the strengths of our generation by creating this piece in which she attends the New Mexico Peace Works Conference (NMPWC) amongst an international community of young people.

The most charming part of the piece is when we hear from NMPWC keynote speaker Ocean Robbins, young founder of the Non-Profit organization "Yes Now" (and also great grandson of the wonderful man who gave us Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors! (somehow I can't imagine anyone named Ocean not working in the Non-Profit sector)). Ocean tells an Aesop-like tale of fruit flies that's gaurenteed to make you smile and feel good on the inside. His voice is direct, oddly familiar, and he commands the moment. For the most part Dolna captures his storytelling insight, however the audio is a bit soft here and therefore loses a bit of its power.

The piece also features Dolna interviewing her piers at the conference. Dolna is able to garner some wonderful responses, nothing short of inspiring.

The piece overall flows nicely from segment to segment and well-crafted, a real professional job here on Dolna's part. Thank you Dolna for helping the cause!