Piece Comment

Review of Music Piracy & The Plight of the Starving Artist

This piece stands as an eye-opener for many. Joel Ewers addresses the issue of music piracy in a serious way without coming across as stuffy. Ewers does not put all of his energy into bashing those who download music or talking about how much of an issue that has become. Ewers explains how music piracy negatively affects the artists. He makes his argument even more powerful when he explains how it affects the economy which is something that affects us all. Ewers expresses some of his own views but steers away from becoming overly opinionated which made it more general and clear. The music used in this piece is wonderful and not distracting as to what is being said. He spoke clearly but perhaps there could have been more emphasis on his voice because he was making some really good points. This piece was a joy to listen to and was done with confidence.