Piece Comment

Review of Brian Eno 60th birthday profile

Ever since I first heard Eno's Music for Airports, which opens this piece, I was hooked. I like that this piece opens with that music and with Eno talking, as if to put the great man and his music entirely, peacefully at the fore. (Eno basically invented the idea of ambient music, with that work, in fact.)

Producer Diliberto's voice is smooth and professional, matched by his production techniques. The man, like his subject, is a classy engineer. I love how Diliberto's tastes run to the accessible side of edgy, or maybe the edgy side of accessible.

This isn't the piece to listen to if you're looking for an extended rumination on why Eno's (formidable) musical philosophy remains perennial. Others here surely do that. But as of May 15, there's no better way to celebrate, and quickly, Eno's sumptuous career. Snatches of Eno's recognizable pop hits as a producer, from Bowie to U2 to Coldplay, should perk up ears too.