Piece Comment

Review of Voices of Our World: Judgement Day

Another strong program in a series that takes on important issues. What's most interesting here is listening to a Catholic priest and bishop challenge the official Vatican stance on homosexuality. They discuss specific events which happened in 2005 and 2003 but which unfortunately remain all too topical today.

Father Joseph Veneroso speaks eloquently about the church's "document of instruction" disallowing gay men to enter Catholic seminaries - which he calls a document rooted in fear. He questions the Vatican's use of the term "unjust discrimination" by asking, "Is there just discrimination?" And he reminds us that the Vatican was still defending slavery in 1866.

Detroit Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, in a phone interview, talks about the hurt caused by the church labeling gays as "intrinsically disorderd" and suggests this may be rooted in internalized homophobia. His point of view is made more poignant when he explains how having a gay brother altered his views.

The program is made up of two self-contained 14 minute segments, either of which would certainly spark further discussion. I'm not usually a fan of extended introductions but here I think they work well to set up these complex issues. The obviously sympathetic interviewer has a relaxed rapport with the priests which keeps the pieces from getting to heavy despite the seriousness of the topic.

Ideal for broadcasting on or around May 17th - International Day Against Homophobia, or any Sunday during June Gay Pride period. But personally I feel the issues are important enough to be broadcast any time!