Piece Comment

Review of Homeschooling Dance Party

For a long time, students, kids, and adults have pondered over the differences between kids who grow up going to school and those who learn at home. Hillary Frank digs deep into these issues questiong homeschooling kids about their daily lives at a homeschooling convention. And through this investigation, a lot of great points on the controversy are brought up. My favorite point that she made was that it appeared to her that homeschooled kids strive just as hard to be different as kids who go to school strive to be the same.

I really liked how this piece was put together. The background noise and music really brought the listener into the scene and I felt as if I was actually at the convention and the dance. Plus, Frank's questions for the homeschooled students were well thought out and I give her a lot of credit for being brave enough to question their ideas on the superiority of homeschooling.