Piece Comment

Review of Anywhere But Now

?Anywhere But Now? explains verbatim the way I feel. At one point Maria asks if everyone thinks about where they belong, and why they feel connections to places that they have no connection to, I know exactly what she is talking about. The music layered underneath the essay was completely amazing and the way it was edited took nothing away from the idea being presented, but greatly added to the mood as music in well edited radio pieces seem to have the tendency of doing. Maria?s reading voice is so warm, and its as though she has invited you into her comfortable living room, sat you down on the couch and is telling you a story that you are so compelled by you don?t interrupt. After the immediate story ends with her leaving the ?Past Life Regressionists? office feeling like a complete failure, she comes to some conclusions about how perhaps its our culture, perhaps its technology that takes away the feeling of knowing exactly where you belong because people have less time to reflect on where they really want to be and what they really want to be doing. The essay writing is top notch, the transitions in and out of various tape gives it a more on-the-spot feel, like you are witnessing something happen, and while listening, the majority of the notes I took consisted simply of the word amazing in all capital letters. My physical reaction to this piece was having goose bumps cover my entire body.