Piece Comment

Review of I'll Quit Cutting When You Quit Smoking

Three Stars

?We cut to feel alive,? says April Winburn, the young producer -- and presumable narrator -- of this three minute plus segment. From April we hear how she came to cut and her view that it?s no worse than drinking or the smoking she wants to see her mother quit.

The piece compresses of a larger audio diary: it floats narrative bits on top of an electronic hiphop bed. This music?s just as cool in tone as April?s detached and compressed narration. The effect is chilling and disturbing, even if we don?t get a really good sense of WHY cutting is such a release. It simply is, even when it lands April in the hospital. In fact, it?s in the hospital she meets others like her who too see life affirmation in the practice.

Even without the ?why,? this is a chilling little module, enhanced by crisp narration and a good, appropriate, believable read. It would work well in a program about teen issues or perhaps in one on addictions.

Anthea Raymond
PRX Editorial Board
September 6, 2006
Los Angeles