Piece Comment

Review of Three women who visited North Korea

Interesting personal insights by Koreans from Koreans and not only for Koreans, into a place so unknown to, well, all the world really. Former Northerners transplanted to America return to their homeland and are reunited with family members for the first time in decades. In this program they describe these experiences.

One assumes North Korean restrictions prevented the recording of the actual meeting, which is a shame. The program is a well-edited blend of interview and music that, after the first 10 minutes, becomes rather monotonal. The interviewees seem to have been recorded quickly or even over rehearsed because, while their words suggest an emotional reunion, their tones are measured and somewhat flat.

However, this program has the benefit of being novel during a dearth of information about North Korea. It humanizes a people often painted as slavish pions of the axis of evil and attempts to show the tragedy and triumph of their lives. This alone merits a listen, if not an actual broadcast.