Ilana Weinstein

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  • Username: IlanaWeinstein
  • PRX Member
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent

Recent Pieces from Ilana Weinstein

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Elaine on Main (:52)
From: Ilana Weinstein

Naomi Turner remembers her late friend Elaine Chase of Orleans, MA.
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Age is Just a Musical Number (04:38)
From: Ilana Weinstein

Beachside condos and bingo games may be how some people handle old age, but not Naomi Turner and Wilderness Sarchild. They took a different approach: writing a musical.
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It's All In My Head (07:16)
From: Ilana Weinstein

I physically feel sound. Sometimes when I say it, even I think I sound ridiculous. But it's true, and there's a word for this strange neurological condition: synesthesia.