Mandy Walker

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  • Username: smiley07
  • Independent producer/freelance journalist
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent


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What every newly-single woman needs: a handyman (03:41)
From: Mandy Walker

For many newly-divorced women, maintaining a home can be overwhelming. The solution is to find a really good, honest handyman.
Caption: A Valentine's display at the supermarket, Credit: Mandy Walker

The Other Side of Valentine's Day (04:10)
From: Mandy Walker

All the adverts for the lavish gifts make Valentine's Day sound wonderfully romantic but the hype sets couples for failure and disappointment.
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Developing an exhibit about asteroids (05:24)
From: Mandy Walker

The Space Science Institute is launching a new $3 million project to develop a set of exhibits on asteroids and is using middle school students to help.