Piece Comment

Review of Gut Reaction

Wise production idea to tell the Celiac story in the words of those who suffer it. The narrative seamlessly flows from one person to another. The arc takes us from childhood to adulthood, from suffering to understanding, from being ill to managing an illness. This is cutting edge because until recently few with this disease were diagnosed. All of the voices speak of having felt lousy since they could remember, of suffering constant stomachaches, headaches, bowel problems, severe fatigue, depression and a host of other ailments. All tell of undergoing all kinds of tests, endlessly misdiagnosed or told they were hypochondriacs. All share feelings of failure, humiliation, and frustration at not being “normal.” All relate the joy of finally being diagnosed and finding the solution: stay away from wheat. It’s estimated that 1 in 133 people have this disease, but that 2.1 million remain undiagnosed. Air this excellent production. Spread the word.