Piece Comment

Review of Stencil Pirates

This piece is well edited and of good sound quality.

Though I did not agree with most of this artist’s ideas, I was very interested to hear how he explains his work. There were several obvious questions that I wanted to hear him answer. What ideas are you trying to communicate through your art? Do you believe most people appreciate your creations as ‘art’? How do you explain the damage to public property?

I’ve said this in other venues before, but I think this is why the “narrator-less” format is tricky for me as a listener. I’m never sure what the guest was asked and that makes interpreting his comments a challenge. I often find I have a lot of questions in my mind that I want to ask when it’s all over.

What I liked about this piece was the artists comments about how he brings art into everyday life and helps to change the perception that it’s only for certain people. I also liked the idea that it communicates its message as soon as it’s seen.

With a good lead in and lead out (provided by a host) I think some listeners would appreciate this piece.