Piece Comment

Review of Father's Day Tribute: Fix'er Up, Dad.

A nice thoughtful piece for Father's Day. The writing is thoughtful and contemplative. The producer articulates the feelings that I have often had about my own father. Namely, the retrospective look at a father's traits that once rubbed you the wrong way, but now have that tint of sentimentality. My only criticism is the ambiguity surrounding "the most important news they'll ever hear from my life." What was it? I'm not sure I was ready to be left hanging with that. We heard the father's response, but I think it would have been more powerful if we knew what he was responding to. There was also a tinge of self deprecation, or at least an acknowledgement of the producers own weaknesses. I don't think it was too sappy. Any personal essay I did on my father would be at least as sappy, if not more.