Piece Comment

Review of God is Talking to Me

In all of his pieces Hans Anderson creates a world that you love spending time in. And as much as you want to linger there when your time is up you leave not necessarily wanting more but relishing what you've had. In this piece you find yourself in a world that is both magical and mundane-- In fact in this piece one really can't exist without the other. Without giving too much away the protagonist finds himself asking God to help him track down his father and he ends up having an ongoing conversation with God. God sends him on a series of random missions--but of course they aren't random as God is orchestrating all this. Well, what you get is this wonderful mix of action, inner monologues, philosophical digressions, and analyses of human behavior. There is also a narrative arc that gives this piece its momentum. Broadcast this wherever you have a 10 minute block—this could also be used for pledge drives (see Jackson Braider’s Review of Hans Anderson’s “Book”) You should also seriously consider this for Father’s Day.