Piece Comment

Review of Office Artist

I love listening to people tell their own stories. Every time I'm on an airplane landing in a big city (I'm an Alaskan) I look at the itty-bitty cars on the freeways and feel an overwhelming sense of how many people there are in this world. And so few of them I meet. That's why getting to meet someone like Larissa in the manner Dmae introduces me to her is so special. It expands my personal experiences. I thought the pacing was spot-on. Our narrator took us effortlessly from one topic to the next. I liked the amibient sounds - the phone ringing in the background reminding us that offices are busy places. I liked the visuals I created imaging an office product quilt. I was jolted a bit at the end when she went poof and was gone. Maybe a little ambient alone would have smoothed the transistion.