Piece Comment

Public Sense Episode 2: Concealed Carry

This is an incredibly relevant and moving collection of stories. Kirkpatrick compiles both sides of the gun discussion in a pre-recorded debate using sources who both have experience with firearms. Gun violence, the conversation around concealed carry, and mental illness are all on the collective American mind - from Sandy Hook to Aurora, to Tuscon and Virginia Tech. Sources were balanced and easy to understand, and presented their arguments well. My attention stayed on the segment for the most part, only wandering when questions came to mind. How many people died at Virginia Tech? How long ago was this? What are the concealed carry laws like in Colorado? Why are we talking about Colorado?

This story could have used a bit more reporting - the raw elements deserve it. Audio quality could have been better as well - Goddard's interview sounded like it was done over Skype, and the concealed carry advocate sounded too far away from the mic. This was only a little distracting, as the content was so solid.

Goddard's story of surviving the Virginia Tech shooting was riveting, but it was missing some context. I needed a reminder of what exactly happened there, who exactly this person was, and why we were hearing from him. This story could have been absolutely hit out of the park with a little more background. Just after "Right outside of our room," the reporter could have hopped in and said, "This is Colin Goddard. He was in Norris Hall, on the Virginia Tech campus on the day Seung Hui-Cho opened fire in the deadliest shooting incident in US history," then jumped right back into the story. Not only does this give listeners a brief reminder of what happened, but it also gives them a clue to where the rest of the story is going and set the tone for the rest of the discussion. Overall a great long-form segment on a fitting topic for the times.